Hello friends!

My name is Veronica Burbano, graduate of a three-year Summer 3-6 primary training with fabulous Gretchen Hall. During my training I was able to make great friends that I still rely on for support, advice, and always a good laugh! 

My journey as an educator began fifteen years ago, I worked in traditional early childhood education settings for six years before Montessori found me. In the year 2011, I was hired to work as a Spanish specialist at a Montessori school. When I saw this incredible science in action, I decided that this was the path I wanted to follow for my career. While working there, I was offered the opportunity to open a Spanish immersion program for the Pioneer Valley in Massachusetts. For the past nine years, I have had the privilege to work with children at the Amherst Montessori School, and my commitment, love, and respect for them keeps growing deeper and stronger every day. 

Last year I started a new adventure when I got accepted in the AMi ToT program. I am currently enrolled in the first seminar format delivered fully in Spanish. I traveled to Argentina twice this year where I met the ToT cohort. All of us are kindred spirits that are forming strong bonds and I am sure, long-lasting friendships. I will also be joining the MTCNE team this Fall, where I will continue my training and assist my former trainer.

 I would have never thought of pursuing this endeavor if not for two specific events that happened in my life: The first one happened a few years ago, when I had the opportunity to mentor new guides in a public Montessori school in Memphis-Tennessee. While supporting these guides’ practice, I found great joy, a new sense of purpose, and felt an urge to deepen my understanding of the Montessori science. The second event took place when I traveled to my home country: Ecuador. Here, I was able to observe a Montessori school in a low-resources community. With very little funds, the guides and administrators are offering the children the most exceptional education. This experience ignited in me a desire to advocate for the accessibility of Montessori education for all children, including those in the most remote places in the world. 

Dr. Montessori once said, “Peace is a practical principle of human civilization and social organization… This principle must be our guide in building a science of peace and educating children…” I hope to expand the Montessori movement across the globe, especially in Spanish speaking areas, and perhaps make, even if a small difference for humankind.  I want to thank all the great Montessorians that have touched my life, and the MTCNE for giving me a solid foundation on which I have build my practice for many years. I wish that all of you who are reading this update continue to share your light with all the families and children you work with.

Wishing you the best,

Veronica Burbano