In September Drs. Paige M. Bray and Lynn Johnson, both early childhood faculty at UHart, will join their multi-year cohort at the Council for Exceptional Children/Division of Early Childhood annual gathering to further the work of integrated and inclusive early childhood programs, birth to age 8.
UHart early childhood programs, including Montessori, are the first four-year/bachelor’s degree programs to be aligned with the new EI/ECSE personnel preparation standards. Learn more about these here:
UHart provides pathways for working with children and families from birth to grade 3 and is especially proud of our ongoing partnership with CT Birth to Three early intervention programs serving children and families.
There are extensive resources through the funding partner UConn Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities ECPC site
The enduring pedagogical partnership between UHart and MTCNE informed Dr. Bray’s co-authoring Chapter 54. Interdependent Impact: Contemporary Teacher Education and Montessori Teacher Preparation, Gay C. Ward (University of Wisconsin River Falls, USA) and Paige M. Bray (University of Hartford, USA).
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Montessori Education is now available for preorder! Online orders include a 10% discount. The book will be available next spring yet take a minute to review the table of contents now at