The International Congress — 23 & 24 October — to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Maria Montessori has moved completely online!
It was a tough decision to give up the idea of a physical meeting in Rome, but it needed to be made due to the prolonged pandemic and subsequent restrictions.
Opera Nazionale Montessori, in consultation with AMI, felt our community would be best served by offering this as a digital event.
Great news! The online platform will provide a special option for researchers to present on their research.
Many researchers have contacted the Rome team, and they are delighted to confirm research sessions can be facilitated.
What you need to know
- Researchers are asked to make a 10-minute video.
- Videos can be viewed as of Monday 25 October, and can be accessed for one month (which also goes for the presentations made during 23 and 24 October).
- Contributions will be published in the language in which they were made.
- Please send in no later than 5 October to
And include
- the title of the research you intend to submit
- an abstract of 500 characters (including spaces, punctuation)
- your details: name, surname, email address,
- institution/university of affiliation and role
- After October 5 you will be contacted by the secretariat of the Opera Nazionale Montessori (ONM) to let you know if your research will be shared via the platform.
- Videos must be sent by 18 October to the following email address:
- The congress participants will receive an overview of all research available via the special congress website.
Instructions for video recording
• If the video is made with a smartphone, shoot horizontally and possibly fix your device on a support/tripod for extra stability.
• Record the video in a quiet environment.
• Ideally, film yourself in daylight. If you’re indoors, position yourself so that the windows are facing you. Avoid overhead lighting and backlight. Don’t use your phone’s flash.
• Maintain a maximum distance of one arm’s length between phone and face.
• If possible, keep the phone at face/neck level, not lower or higher.
• The best setting is: 16:9 format, 1980×1920 size, mp4.
• If you are using an operator camera, the above information also applies.
• If you are using a computer webcam and a computer recording system, check the following parameters: aspect ratio 16: 9, dimension 1980×1920, mp4.
• IMPORTANT: Once the recording has started, wait a couple of seconds before starting to speak and remain silent for a couple of seconds before you stop the recording.
• In case of errors, start over from the beginning.
o To improve audio quality, you can wear headphones with a microphone.
o If possible, get someone to help you check the framing and the phone.