September 2023 Updates, Invites & Insights

The partnership undergraduate degree programs that began in 2017 at the University of Hartford in partnership with MTCNE have all had students successfully complete and graduate from them as of May 2023!  

Through the Fall, as part of our ongoing data-informed program improvement and the research commitment built into the programs, Dr. Erin Kenney (email from, an early childhood educator and developmental psychologist who is independent from the program, will be conducting interviews and focus groups for an in-depth look at what has been working and any aspects of our programs that might need revisiting or reconfiguring. 

We appreciate those who already have and those who will make an effort to respond to Dr. Kenney, as your contribution to continued program improvement moves Montessori Forward!

October 27, 2023 for more advocacy opportunities 
Montessori Schools of Connecticut Conference (vendor request open)


We’ve gone vinyl!  Would you like a Montessori sticker?  Email to let us know where to send you one or some!

The Montessori Glossary is an evolving, iterative co-construction project grounded in shared knowledge and authority…. Our mission is to improve discovery and access to Montessori resources whilst supporting Montessori educator competencies. 

Check-out the summer activity by and for the Montessori community.


Research and Practice make global connections at the 29th Montessori International Congress this Aug!

UHartford Montessori lead and MTCNE leadership were honored to present and experience the grace and peace of Thailand.

Wondering what occurred?  Find out more about the speakers and presenters. Or follow us on social media @mtcne_htfd or @uhart_enhp

The global possibilities of a nation that embraces Montessori at the governmental, ministry level was inspiring for today and the promise of tomorrow!