Research & Publications

The Center for Montessori Studies’ research efforts serve the local and global Montessori community by preparing Montessori teachers in the context of a generative research community and seeking to prepare the next generation of Montessori scholars.



Bray, P. M. (In press) Letter to a future teacher. Montessori Annual Global Review: Cosmic Vision and Systemic Change 1(1).

Russell, J. A., Bray, P. M., Reim, C. E., & Lillard, A. S. (Under Review). Found Common Ground: A Discriminant Analysis of Montessori and Non-Montessori Educators’ Professional Perceptions. American Journal of Education.

Russell, J. A., Bray, P. M., & Reim, C. E. (Under Review). Persistent Systemic Issues in Teacher Compensation: A National Comparison of Montessori and Non-Montessori Educators. Journal of Montessori Research.

Russell, J. A. & Bray, P. M. (Under Review). Montessori Trainers’ Perceptions of Culturally Responsive Teaching. Journal of Montessori Research and Education.

Walton Grant Outcomes (ongoing).  Matriculated Survey, Non-Matriculated Survey, Attrition Survey, Graduation Survey


Bray, P. M. & Russell, J. A. (in progress).  Competencies for Adolescent Montessori Training: Thoughts from Trainers and Students.

Bray, P. M. (in progress). Montessori to administration, administration to Montessori: and back again.  Projected Journal: Journal of Public Scholarship.

Russell, J. A. (in progress). The Projected Career Plans of Montessori Educators. Projected Journal: The Journal of Montessori Research.

Russell, J. A., Bray, P.M., & Reim, C. E. (in progress). The Impact of Teacher Preparation: A comparison of Montessori and Non-Montessori Educators. Projected Journal: TBD

Bray, P. M., & Russell, J. A. (in progress). Core Competencies of Montessori Education, A Survey of AMI Trainers.  Projected Journal: TBD

Bond, V. L., Russell, J. A., & Bray, P. M. (in progress). A Comparison of Montessori and Music Teacher Educators’ Views of Culturally Responsive Teaching.  Projected Journal: TBD

Bray, P.M. (in planning) Oral Histories (with Debs and Sulak).

Russell, J.A. (in planning) role of parental involvement on teachers view of student achievement.

Collaborative Work

 Montessori Higher Education Exchange

National Montessori Research Summit; Montessori Research Interest Group